strangely enuf, the sound of diana krall's voice seems to calm me down a lot better than the voices of most other singers......not too sure why, but it calms me down enuff for me to get down to studying..........
the songs that have found a permanent place on my playlist throughout this whole semester have been:
1. Just The Way You Are - Diana Krall
2. Forever Young - Alphaville
3. We Belong Together - Mariah Carey
4. Quando Quando Quando - Michael Buble & Nelly Furtado
5. More Than This - Norah Jones & Charlie Hunter
6. The Girl from Ipanema - Frank Sinatra
they say the music a person listens to says alot about him/her..........and the choice of songs may reflect his/her mental state at that point in his/her life........
well.......let's see......i grew up listening to MJ.........moved on to teenybopper music going on to more rock stuff with top40s.......ohya, there was the gangsta rap phase in btwn those two.......then to the techno, then trance, then lounge & ive gone alittle retro, jazz, big band/swing and house music......
the little retro bit im guessing is thnks to the sense of nostalgia that hangs ard the increasing number of things i can reminisce abt.......i can imagine when i finally get old (i am still young), i would be listening to nothing but retro.......just like how my parents stick to listening to their "lao ge" (old mandarin/dialect songs).........believe it ornot, there are times i enjoy listening to "ye lai xiang", "wo you yi duan qing" or "shanghai tan" cos i grew up listening to them in the car rides to school or around town with the family.........
sorry i cant translate the titles of those songs for the non-chinese, i attempted but decided it would be better not to.......
have been looking at my dad recently and reflecting upon myself.........he's going through some form of mid-life crisis i believe.........he's been going ard like a bad nike commercial spouting his new motto in life, "Just Do It". not only that, he seems to be desperately trying to impart his knowledge to us the young ones - my sis and i........actually, now that my sis has her own place, im the only young one left bearing the full brunt of it all.......
just like in a particular episode of Boston Legal, where Denny Crane gave a speech to his long time friend abt the both of them trying to stay relevant to society at their age......i think my dad seems to be trying to do the same........he has this idea that he knows everything, he can do everything and wat he does is right..........well, so does every1 i guess......he turns everything into a lecture.......even small little things like whether ornot to spend money on a new pair of jeans or save it for something else turns into a lecture/seminar which has the possible agenda:
1. The importance of managing your resources
2. Bearing the consequences of your decisions
3. "There is no such thing as a bad decision"
4. Managing not so favourable outcomes of your decision through positive thinking
5. The importance of street smarts in your life.
J used to need to attend 2hr long seminars/tutorials for, i never attended any of my lectures/tutorials cos those my dad gave pretty much drained me of all energy i had initially planned for attending my lessons........
im not being ungrateful or pretty happy he's still around, especially for my mum.......the times when he goes overseas, she gets pretty swings the same way when my mum is busy with work..........
but perhaps the one thing that bothers me and worries me the most is the fact that i might one day end up like him........
cos looking at my sis and i, my mum and her mother, my dad and his dad.........i cant help but draw the conclusion that we are all destined to become like our parents in more ways than one.........
not that it is bad......but i certainly don't want to be committing the same mistakes my parents did..........yet, it seems alittle inevitable at times........sometimes things just don't sway the way you want them to sway......