Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I am Live

Test test. I am proud to announce that this post is being composed and uploaded via my iPhone.

In an effort to maintain a healthy blogging habit, I have installed a blogging app on my iPhone. Hopefully, it will serve its purpose and not become another one of the already many apps that just collect digital dust on my iPhone screen.

Friday, January 02, 2009


I've always been very amazed at how life seems to go round in circles. As the saying goes, "What goes around, comes around." It does seem to apply to things/events other than kindness, consideration and their opposites. For me at least, it applies to nearly all the things I take interest in. I find something I like/enjoy doing and keep at it till a point I get absolutely bored of it, dump it aside telling myself that's the last time I'll probably do it only to pick it up sometime later on. At which time I'll wonder to myself how come I never kept at it in the first place.

Take blogging for example. My last post to this blog is dated 22 March 2008. Since then, I've spent many blog-less months. Blogging became pretty difficult because of my time at work and also the lack of writing material. My life revolved a lot around my work and J. Lots has happened but that's better left for other posts on self-reflection.

Although blogging kind of faded away on its on, I feel slightly guilty in admitting that there was a point in time when I actually did not make an effort to keep what I now believe is actually a good pastime/habit. The thought of blogging had occurred to me before today but it was rather quickly swept far back into the dark cobwebbed corners of my mind.

Thankfully, it has not disappeared into the dark abyss. There is a resurgence~!!! I think. Hope. Fingers crossed.

I would put "Blogging more" as a resolution for 2009 but knowing how resolutions are never kept, I think this is something best kept away from the easy reaches of procrastination, laziness and forgetfulness that claim nearly all resolutions I've made in my 27 years of existence.

I swear I made a resolution when I took my first breath of air. Just that I've forgotten it. But if I were to try and remember it, I'll say it would have something to do with not causing contractions ever again.

That's one resolution I'm thankful I forgot if I did.

There are a few reasons why I've decide to pick up blogging again. The main one being I realise how much of my sense of humour it helped preserved. Ohyes, the writing practice helps too. Not that I don't get enough of writing practice already at work. I just have more leeway to exercise my vocab and creativity in my blog.

So, there. My first post of 2009 and the first in nine months. Thankfully without contractions.

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