Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Cold Feet

So I got accepted into EDHEC's MSc in Finance course. The email came in yesterday. And with all honesty, I can't say I'm thrilled or very enthusiastic about the now very real prospect of going over to Nice to study.

Yes, this is me having cold feet.

My dad related to me how my Sis turned down an offer to study in Carnegie Mellon several years back when she was about to enter university. For what reason, none of us know. I never asked her about it and I don't think I will but I gather the sense of uncertainty I feel now is similar to what she felt then.

I was making my way to the doctor's about a cold last evening after reading my acceptance letter. And walking along the street, I realised how I could be missing out on quite a lot of things during the year away.

I guess in that way, my Sis' situation with Carnegie Mellon was largely more different than mine now - she would have been gone for a far longer period of time. Hence a lot more scary.

It will probably take me some time before the idea of studying overseas warms up to me again and also before I get another bout or two of cold feet. There's still roughly six months to go before the school semester starts and I still have three more applications out there yet to come back to me out of which two are schools I would really like to attend. Even then, I doubt that acceptance into either one would make the feeling of uncertainty easier to overcome.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Financial Aid

I was having breakfast with my family this morning and had this exchange with my Sis.

Sis: I have some Kenyan Shillings you can use.
Me: How come you have them? You went to Nairobi before?
Sis: No. I just have a few cents because some guys at INSEAD came up with a fund raising idea to raise money for poor people by collecting spare change in all currencies and distributing the money.
Me: So you were one of those who helped?
Sis: No.
Me: Then you were one of the poor people?
Sis: ..... No.
Me: Then how come you have the money?
Sis: I was given the money. The idea sounded smart but turned out to be quite dumb. It doesn't quite work out because the poor people would still need to change the money.
Me: So you are one of the poor people!

Friday, February 05, 2010

Ba Kwa

Sometimes in life, there are situations that develop that can make you chuckle to yourself.

My dad had come home from his trip to KL yesterday with some really good Ba Kwa. Now, I'm not a big fan of Ba Kwa but these caught the attention of my taste buds. And because I'm now planted right next to the kitchen studying for my CFA Level I exams, resisting the temptation to stuff my face with Ba Kwa is proving to be a daunting task. An exercise in futility. A perilous voyage through the Garden of Eden and throwing the whole of my being into tumult.


As always, I couldn't resist telling the whole world about my new found means of self-torture via my Facebook status:

"Not good. This is not good."

Funnily enough, the first response to this came from the most apt of people, the Indian, who is trying very hard to lose weight.

The Indian: What is not good?

Finding this coincidence very amusing I informed my rounded friend of my predicament. To which he quite expectedly replied,

The Indian: Keep some for me.

Sometimes life can be quite amusing if you can read between the lines.