Friday, February 05, 2010

Ba Kwa

Sometimes in life, there are situations that develop that can make you chuckle to yourself.

My dad had come home from his trip to KL yesterday with some really good Ba Kwa. Now, I'm not a big fan of Ba Kwa but these caught the attention of my taste buds. And because I'm now planted right next to the kitchen studying for my CFA Level I exams, resisting the temptation to stuff my face with Ba Kwa is proving to be a daunting task. An exercise in futility. A perilous voyage through the Garden of Eden and throwing the whole of my being into tumult.


As always, I couldn't resist telling the whole world about my new found means of self-torture via my Facebook status:

"Not good. This is not good."

Funnily enough, the first response to this came from the most apt of people, the Indian, who is trying very hard to lose weight.

The Indian: What is not good?

Finding this coincidence very amusing I informed my rounded friend of my predicament. To which he quite expectedly replied,

The Indian: Keep some for me.

Sometimes life can be quite amusing if you can read between the lines.


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