Conversations with My Other Half
Husband : Where is it?
Wife : Move your underwear aside.
Husband : I still can't find it.
Wife : I thought I saw it, the blue ones.
Husband : argh, I'm late for a meeting and I can't find my socks.
Wife : I'm late for work too.
Husband : Where is it?
Wife : Ah, there they are, beside your boxers.
Husband : *something something, i can't remember*
Wife : I have to look for everything for you, even when I'm in tokyo
Husband : heh....that way u'll miss me more. *or something liddat, i can't remember*
anywayz, the following ensued....
Me : sweet.
J : hehehheeee......
Me : shit......think i'm spending too much time with you. i'm becoming soft.
J : is that bad?
Me : if one day i start wearing a pink skirt make sure you kill me.
J : ok
further along the journey home......rod monteiro and Jean Danker came on air and started talking about women and PMS.....they talked abt how some women become violent PMSers and Jean said she was the sad and sob sob kind. a caller to the programme said that guys shld be more caring and concerned abt their partners during PMS (their partner's PMS, not their's).........which led to this.....
J : see. you shld show more care and concern.
Me : yea, and get my head bitten off when i do. better to leave you alone.
J : think i would more likely flood your place (with tears).
Me : i'm not a good swimmer.
J : i'll throw you a life preserver.
Me : no you won't.
J : y not?
Me : when u have PMS and start crying, that means i did something to irritate or annoy you. and when u are irritated, you ignore me. sooooo, during PMS, if i irritate you, you start crying and flood the place and cos im a lousy swimmer, i'll start to drown. and cos i irritated you, u ignore me, which leads to y u won't throw me a life preserver. therefore, either way you put it, whether you flood the place or bite my head off when i try to be more concerned, i die. so, better to leave u alone when u pms.
rod and jean had the phone lines open for women to describe their PMS experiences.......they shld do the same for the guyz........