Friday, March 17, 2006


joel posted something on vegetarians and their feeding habits.......inspired me to write something of my own considering i eat a fair amount and am quite a foodie myself......

his post can be read here

i prefer to keep my relationship between food simple......i dun normally do this, but when i do talk to my food it is always one of the following

1. "u are to be eaten by me, i shall eat u. NOW."
2. "me hungry, u feed me."
3. "u r a tub of ice-cream, now u r jus a tub."

unlike some who might go, "awwww u r so cute. i shall not eat you." and then continue to suffer from hunger and battling moral issues abt eating or not eating.......

if an animal is meant to be eaten e.g. a chick, it is meant to be eaten. something along the lines of "chickie san. now u die an honourable death." or something to that extent.......

with reference to vegetarians, i absolutely cannot see myself as one or fully understand y anyone would wanna be one.......and like joel mentioned in his post, wat's with the mock meat stuff..........mock or not mock, i prefer not to ask too is meant to be eaten and not meant to have a relationship with........

stress does make a person loopy.......


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