Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Of Food and Famine

so i handed in my FYP report today........marks the end of a very long and tedious experience tho there were lessons learnt along the way so it wasnt a total waste of time.......now jus have to wait and see wat my grade is.........it's a load off really........

got projects to finish up before the run down to the exams........hopefully this would be the last stretch of my education..........as the saying goes, the grass is always greener on the other side, ill leave the missing my student life till a later date when im jaded and over-worked, like some of u who i know are reading this.......right now i just cant wait to get out of it......

need money lah.......gotta support 2 wives leh.......

the Bahrain Grand Prix was a blast.......fantastic race.......looks like the 2006 season is gonna be good.........the malaysian grand prix is this wkend.........woot~!!!!

think im gonna grow really fat.....based on the lifestyle ive been living over the past few weeks, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep work..........even those words dun contain the letters r, u or n.......and those who have seen my appetite know that the laws of errrr.......digestion dun apply to me..........

the Indian posed to me an interesting, tho crude question today.....he asked how many times i move my bowels a day.........after much thought, i realised that my answer did not make sense.............but it is wat it is, the intake doesnt equate the output neither linearly nor proportionately.........it's more kinda like the relation is inversely proportionate........

and that's how an engineer explains shit...........

the past few days have been rather.........fattening.........had a rather large breakfast of eggs, sausages and french toast for breakfast on saturday followed by mac's new milkshake in the afternoon, then pizza yesterday during the race after dinner, my chicken and chips late lunch today and i jus came home from a supper of satay and chicken wings with my parents.......

there was a glitch in my recent food binge..........though not a big glitch, still interesting enuf to post considering the cause..........mum has this thing about equating less food = healthier food........and she sometimes torments my dad and me with a meal of minute proportions........yesterday's dinner was one of those occasions.........

imagine feeding 4 people with just soup, rice and a single can of luncheon meat......and may i state that that can was not your usual Ma Ling brand that comes in a nice big round can......having that probably wouldnt have helped much either actually.......the can we had was.......puny........insignificant.........that can was more can than it was meat.......

i know there are pple in the world who have even less to eat......but that is totally irrelevant to the issue and is not a valid reason for me to quell my complaining.........

quibbled with my mum alittle over the quantity of dinner.........she said that in future my wife would have to support a family of pigs.......i told her there would only be one pig that my future wife would need to take care...........

fortunately my sis came to the rescue jus minutes after dinner......she had ordered 2 pizzas for dinner with my bro-in-law and wondered if i could help finish up the leftovers.....

times like these i absolutely love my sis to bits........moral of the story, make sure your parents have more sex........


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