Friday, October 28, 2005


the jap craze never ends does it?

there's this jap name generator on the net at and pple on my msn have been getting their names translated to jap and using their new jap names.....

i think ive tried the generator b4........but cant remember.......anyhow, out of curiosity i tried the generator..........and this is wat i got trying my english name......

Saruwatari Taiki......which means "large radiant monkey on a crossing bridge"

basket.....monkey huh? *grumble grumble* and they had this line at the bottom of the page:
" You can share your delightful new name with the rest of the world by placing the following code on your website or journal:"

delightful........ill show them delightful.........

tried my dialect name.......and i got,
Akimoto Kazuma = Autumn Book One Reality

much better......tho it doesnt have as much logical meaning.........still better.......monkey *mutter mutter*

~ . ~

Stamford Tyres is having a sale till the end of the month..........and despite being low on finances, i couldnt resist getting some grooming stuff..........not much damage luckily.......only $50.........almost ended up blasting a $100 hole in my pocket..........come holidays, im gonna make my ride shine shine shine~!

will post pics so u guyz can drool drool drool..........buahahhahaaa........

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Annoying little twerp

i jus realised im not watching much discovery channel cos........martin yan has captured most of my attention..........despite my reluctance..........not to say that i enjoyed watching animals of all shapes and sizes (in more ways than one) humping each other.........but the guy's banter is irritating enuff to warrant a snide remark from my lips every now and then........

i dunno how he's doing in the US........but he doesnt come across as authentic in my books.........

maybe he aint doing that well.......cos he's really relying on alot of his flamboyance to carry the show i.e. his chicken de-boning skills, chopping skills.......which i think any chicken rice stall owner would out do him any time of day.........maybe his dishes arent exactly that good.......

his is one cooking show on tv shown during the lunch hour that doesnt entice my taste buds........


this sucks.......tot i was all prepped for the first paper........ok.....second paper......the first paper is open book so it doesnt really count...........dun intend to study much for that.......

anywayz, tot i was prepped for the first paper.........and i find out today that there are changes to the scope of the exam.........and topics i previously thought were not included are now

surprisingly i haven watched much discovery channel this exam.........

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Bored Again

got bored playing the usual game of thought ill try it differently.......

new rule: player is not allowed to flag any mines.......i.e. u cant put any flags and mus solve the grid.........

managed to get this far before i died on a gamble.......


i have finished my bioinformatics assignment~! woohoo~!

after so many hours of toiling and trying to come up with things to write for a topic that is really not my cup of tea, i have accomplished the impossible.........

relief is not the only thing actually..........i feel damn bloody smart i actually understand wat is being said in House........okok, House is a medical tv series........a good show too.......the lead actor, Hugh Laurie, won an emmy for the show recently......season 1 is over, season 2 is showing in the US now........

anywayz, i now understand wat is actually being said in the show's script~! suff like prognosis, apoptosis, necrosis, cyanosis, gastrin-releasing peptides, T-cell count, this-zine, that-kli........blah blah......

i am a genius........

Monday, October 24, 2005

My eyes~~~~

my eyes are fried........

been staring at this monitor for the.........god knows how many hours........working on my bioinformatics assignment.........

think i need to go lie down.......*headache*

Nyah Nyah Nyah Nyah Nyah Nyah

i know there shld be quite a number of smokers reading this blog........and ill probably get alot of crap from them for posting the following.........but heck, im doing an assignment on lung cancer, couldnt resist a dig at u guyz........:D

"An estimated 80% of lung cancer cases are the result of smoking. This is due to the multitude of carcinogens found in cigarette smoke. The length of time a person spends smoking as well as the amount smoked increases the chances of lung cancer. Recently, passive smoking has come under scrutiny for being the major cause of lung cancer in non-smokers."


"Left untreated, Small Cell Lung Carcinoma (SCLC) has the most aggressive clinical course of all lung cancers. Survival rate of SCLC is approximately between 2 to 4 months from the date of diagnosis. Furthermore, SCLC will often have metastasized to other parts of the body by the time it is detected and diagnosed."

im tempted to go, "all that jus to say, DON'T SMOKE" but that would jus be me being very irritating and self-righteous cos i shld know better........never liked it when the pple told me to quit when i was smoking, dun think anyone would like it if i did it to them.......

so i'm jus gonna let the glaring CAPS do its thing........since majority would probably skip the whole chunk of the post too..........

actually it would be me rubbing all your noses in the dirt............nyah nyah nyah.....couldnt care less if u guyz did stop/quit...........bite me........:p

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Complete Boredom

i dun in the world did BK come up with the idea of a spicy cheese burger?

maybe they have it in mexico or something........jalapeno peppers in their cheese burgers....i dunno........but right now, all i can think of is putting chilli padi in my burger.........which doesnt really entice me..........

ohya, forgot, some pple put chilli sauce in their i guess a spicy cheese burger is a logical creation.........

i am so bored. exams are turning me into a lifeless hermit.........

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Me So Bored

quick post

lament: Can I Don't Study?

lament again: zouk re-opened last nite. i was at home sleeping like a pig. i hate exams.

reflect: the power of persuasion. surprisingly, the tricks that adults use on babies/children to eat/do something they dun like are jus as effective on the adults themselves.......

for example, u could tell a kid that if he/she did not eat his/her greens, he/she would turn orange.........k lah, that's a stretching it too lazy to think (hey, i dun feel like studying, why in the world would my brain be working?!) but the idea is there........

applying the above to the following scenario..........

parents went to the buddhist temple to do something and they brought vegtarian food for some ritual or something.........and when the whole thing was over, they were abt to leave the food there when the temple administrator told them to bring it home saying that eating the food would bring us luck...........

i shld be buying 4D/toto today shldnt i?

landmark date/month: this month marks my first year off the cigarette~!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


in the computer room again......spending alot of time here lately........this post might be read if u need to kill time........

freaky anal sex guy is in the room too, playing some sorta chinese rpg game online, not your usual fare with great graphics and stuff, it's the old kind with blocky graphics and cartoonish characters.........seems like he's already made this place his home of sorts........

i find it interesting how some pple can turn out in life........i mean.....looking at freaky anal sex guy (FASG for short, wow, do i see a FAG in there), i cant help but wonder, does his parents know abt his behaviour?

the guy obviously doesnt hang out with the main crowd, well, neither do i actually but at least i have my own crowd......he doesnt seem to have any frens for that matter since all he does is sit in the computer room and play games for extended periods of time..........i dun recollect ever seeing him leaving to go to the bathroom before.......

so he doesnt have any frens, at least seemingly not in SCE, maybe he has some online frens who share the same interest as he does, referring to the games not the anal sex, i least if he had frens who shared the same interest of anal sex he wouldnt be playing games in the computer room 24/7

he coops himself up in front of the computer, he put it bluntly and unfairly, nerdishly.........he's overweight, doesnt socialise, doesnt seem to study, walks ard the campus like he's in a world of his own.........really, ive seen him walking down the corridor at the General Office and suddenly stretching out his arms like he's flying or like he's in some 60s/70s travolta pointing disco.......not the upward point, the sweeping in front of body left to right point............

do his parents notice his odd behaviour? or do they see it at all? assuming they have, do they realise this is not really normal or maybe they think he's a late bloomer?

maybe his family's rich? so he can afford to jus play games and not study at all.......looking at his size......that's a high possiblity..........then again, his size could be caused by his sedentary lifestyle.........or he could be an only child? though as easily as children growing up alone can be more sociable, they can be hermity too.......depending on the parents....

maybe he's a really smart fella........and plans his time well enuf such that he can spend all his time in sch playing games........tho it seems unlikely.........

the guy doesnt seem to have the habit of leaving long unruly hair...........typical of an upbringing that is a little more strict than others and goodie goodie i.e. the guy probably hasnt got out much.........

k lah, i shall stop bashing him.........but im really curious........does his parents know their son has a problem? then again, such a problem is a subjective thing..........they could be having a happy family ball...........

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Dun geddit

wat izit abt not so beautiful pple liking to watch beautiful pple eating not so beautiful food?

they are showing extreme japan on ch5 now.......a local production with Ericia Lee and some handsome jap guy (who's name and existence is of no importance to me) as the hosts.....previously there was extreme gourmet which had Lum May Yee as its host......

izit cos these pple are so stick thin someone thought it would be nice to stuff them wif weird foods such as roaches, bee larvae, grasshoppers, blah blah......insects are high in protein too.......

it all fits......ill bet my socks whoever created the shows must be some kinda not so beautiful person out to try and ruin the beautiful pple

Monday, October 17, 2005

I need to SAVE

woke up this morning with one of the worst nightmares..........dreamt that my savings had magically disappeared and was reduced to a tenth of wat it originally was........never had much in the first place but the frightening part was not the loss of the money, but the loss of memory of how the money got lost..........

i.e. i couldnt remember how i had spent the money.....

woke up to a SMS beep on the phone.......was feeling so relieved that all i had was a nightmare.......until i read the SMS........sis had msged me the amount i needed to pay her for the credit card bill..........

started to slap myself awake, in the hope that i was still dreaming........then when i realised i was awake already, i nearly died.......

think i am overspending..........i think............k lah, i am lah..........coming exams will span the full month of november, hopefully i will save enuff to put me back in the black.......after that ill need to go dutch for a few determined to be the most dutch of the dutch.........ill be so dutch, nobody will be able to out-dutch me..........

i shall go be a monk.........a dutch monk........

Friday, October 14, 2005


think i gotta say goodbye to the recent weight loss..........jus had satay and instant noodles for supper........sighz..........

there's this thing going ard the blogs where u r supposed to write abt a certain topic that describess yourself and then find other pple who blog and they have to write abt that topic too.....

so basically, i was tagged by joel........and i have to write abt 5 quirks that i have.........and then find 5 other pple who blog and tag them, and they have to write abt 5 quirks they have.......

so here we go, let's set it in stone, the 5 quirks of mine.......
Quirk 1:
I eat with only a pair of chopsticks. And preferably, pointed chopsticks. Seldom use the spoon, only when it is polite to do so or the rice is wet (i.e. there's some sauce in it). Even when rice is served on a plate.

Quirk 2:
I read the "Life" section of the newspaper from back to front. It started cos they put the tv and cinema schedules at the back and the comic strips too. Now that i seldom follow local tv, the habit has stuck. The other sections of the paper, I read from front to back.

Quirk 3:
I only eat dark chocolate, preferably with 50% or more cocoa in it. Milk chocolate is a no no, except if it's liquer chocolates. I find milk chocolate too sweet. No nuts in my chocolate too. I like my chocolate as it is minus anything except alcohol.

Quirk 4:
I have been known to sleep with my face down in the pillow. Dunno why, but it feels comfortable. Maybe the lack of oxygen helps me get to sleep. Always thought that explained my state of mind today.

Quirk 5:
I can crack my big toe knuckles - sideways. I've got big toes that slant inwards, towards my small toes. Good for wearing pointed shoes, though they dun make any for men. Thankfully. But, yep, I can crack my toe knuckles sideways by pushing my big toes outwards.

too bad im only allowed to write 5, think there are more.........but, heck, i cant think of anymore too.......isnt self discovery so fun?

now im supposed to find 5 others........let's see......dunno many pple that blog tho, so im jus gonna hantam those that i know..........

a smart and interesting blogger ive met on xanga, shld have a fair amout of quirks too - faythxz

my fren from NTU and JC, he seems quirkless, i dunno - imrock

a bloody bike rider, pui :p - p0rnstar

classmate and long time fren from JC, pint sized but definitely no pint sized quirks - kairinu

fren from NTU that i met while temping at some lousy company - haolun

so all u guyz, if u are reading this, have to come up with 5 quirks of yours so that we can all learn more abt each other and get all warm and fuzzy happy family too........awwww......yuk

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


jus a quick update......having lecture now, but it's one that ive already watched online, the prev semester's version that is........

the diet is working, i haven measured my weight yet but my pants are looser.......and to reward myself, i had ice-cream for breakfast and 2 large paus for lunch.........jus finished the 2 paus, so dunno wat's the damage still hungry, so maybe that's a good sign.......

depressing news, my car has a scratch.........on the driver door.......the first one on its new coat of paint........not deep, shld be able to polish it off..........still *heart pain*

question: wat izit wif girls and strawberries? izit the colour? the shape? the taste?
my sis loves them, J loves them, she's nutty abt strawberries, several of my frens love strawberries........seems like every girl i know loves strawberries......

i prefer cherries tho :D

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Feeling Dotty

my fish has spots........

it did not have spots.....

the spots are black......

do fish get measles or chicken pox? syphillis?

Sunday, October 09, 2005

The shit has hit the fan

to coin an often used term by a fren, the shit has hit the fan......not for me, though it has gotten me thinking/reflecting once again abt how men tend to think with their little brains more than their larger and more intelligent one.......


will knowing it, prevent it?

that's a question ill like answered.......

Blah how?

really, im beginning to lose sight of my all i can see are my toes whenever i look down............dunno wat i used to see, but fact is i can only see my toes now and in time i might not even see the tips of my toes.........therefore, that's it, im gonna diet for the next few wks.........

was out for dinner at marine parade last nite.........and........

is it me or does that look like a giant urinal?

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Me Fat

im am 72.6kg, yes, i. am. fat.

and that was the weight before having chicken and chips for lunch yesterday......chicken and chips is basically jus that, a bunch of fries (104 to be exact.....i counted) and pieces of chicken (chicken chops actually.......2 chicken chops........yes, 2 regular sized chicken chops)

can somebody do the calorie math for me? ohya, throw in one egg as well.......

yes, the weighing machine shld be correct/ was at NTU's medical centre......

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Shit Happens

jus finished watching an episode of Boston of the cases being tried involved a relatively young and extremely attractive woman being accused of murdering her very ancient very rich husband........

of course, she was found guilty cos she was represented by the all the big guns in the show i.e. the lead actors.......

ohya, the husband died while having sex with her..........he was using viagra and she was accused of slipping nitroglycerine into his wine before they shagged...........and he died of a heart attack.........

it got me thinking..........wat a way to go..........

like did he have the heart attack in the middle of an orgasm? that would be a major bummer.........but if he did have the heart attack before an orgasm then that would be an even major bummer........and if he had the heart attack after the orgasm, that wouldnt be very nice either......that would be jus a total waste viagra......the thing's supposed to last 24hrs i think.......or least i would believe longer than one session of sex definitely........he wouldnt be getting his money's worth..........nobody would.......

then again, the guy's a tycoon.......

anywayz, heart attack during sex seems like a major bummer which ever way u look at it.........

having a heart attack before an orgasm would be kinda like this

Shit Happens

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Still here.....

still in the computer room.........skipped a whole day's lectures.....

anywayz, something to liven things up.........
A Hokkien Blog

if u ain't hokkien, it's gonna be difficult to read/understand

Random Thoughts

blogging on location at one of NTU's many student computer rooms.......

actually.......i dunno how many there only aware of 2........and this particular one is pretty crappy..........half the terminals here dun work, cables strewn all over the place, headphones look like they've seen a monster of a ear or something, keyboards without a terminal, terminals without keyboards.........

there's even a roll of toilet paper beside me now and a used mug with coffee stains in it.......obviously someone's been needing to stay up late.........

ohya, anal sex freak is in the room too........sitting somewhere further up front.......cant see wat's on his screen this time......tot i caught a glimpse of anime pics........great, jap anime porn......

supposed to be working on a marketing assignment right now, it's due 2mrw + a presentation to go with it........supposed to be at a lecture blogging.........i can see wat my grades were supposed to be too........

~ . ~

there's been a severe lack of blogging inspiration lately........dun have anything nice to post abt......

haven been reading many blogs too, except those on my xanga subscription list and a few on my blogroll.......

im becoming a boring old fart.........

~ . ~

the fish is going strong..........feisty little thing.......thinking of digging out my dad's old fish tank and doing it up so my fish can have a mansion of a home........but that'll jus have to wait till after the exams i guess........

they are selling 19" 8ms LCD monitors for $499 now........that's a $70 drop over the last few mths.........and i STILL cant afford one.....not with my current financial status that is....

im still dreaming of my Topman Minder Flare jeans........

~ . ~

i think im growing that's something interesting i forgot to mention before......

a couple of wks ago, i had a surprise in the morning......i could buckle my belt an extra, i dunno if this is good or bad news......for those that know me, u guyz be the judge...........i can see some going green ard the gills already.......buahahhaaa.......

but.......i lost the notch by the next couple of jealous pple, be very jealous.......

~ . ~

finally got ard to trying popeye's chicken last wkend........verdict: nothing to crow abt.......then again, i went in the middle of the maybe they werent at their best.........i shld go give them a second chance..........and if they are really good, ill try their 8pc chicken meal.........

speaking of food, i wanna:
1. Finish a 15pc KFC bucket on my own
2. Have a 4 course BK breakfast in one sitting. - total cost for this will run to $17.10. it's minus the different permutations of meals i.e. it'll be turkey sausage in all the meals, if i considered turkey ham, then we'll be looking at a possible 8 course sitting for breakfast alone.........
3. Another visit to Carnivore at CHIJMES
4. Carl's Jr~!!!
5. Find the best pork knuckle in sg

ok lah, seems like all meat.......

6. Try out the apples they sell at macdonald's

Monday, October 03, 2005


wow......almost a full wk since the last post.......that has got to be a record or something....

been short on posts lately......mainly due to project deadlines and presentations to finish.....had one proj assessment went pretty smoothly and that means one lab down, one more to wk..........after which mondays will be more or less free days.........

i couldnt care less for the few lectures on mondays........they are pretty much a waste of time........

~ . ~

fooling ard in btwn tutorials........

"Hmmm......tandoori chicken or chicken masala?"

That's The Indian trying to make it into for his debut movie coming soon to the Bedok and Changi's gonna be called, "An Indian Movie"

there'll be action, suspense, coconut trees and yep, lotsa chapati......

~ . ~

new seasons of all the shows on my watch list have now started........desperate housewives, boston legal, nip tuck..........

die lah..........liddat how to pass exams? *shakes head*

the brain's kinda blanked out rite now.........

maybe more tonite........