Monday, October 24, 2005

Nyah Nyah Nyah Nyah Nyah Nyah

i know there shld be quite a number of smokers reading this blog........and ill probably get alot of crap from them for posting the following.........but heck, im doing an assignment on lung cancer, couldnt resist a dig at u guyz........:D

"An estimated 80% of lung cancer cases are the result of smoking. This is due to the multitude of carcinogens found in cigarette smoke. The length of time a person spends smoking as well as the amount smoked increases the chances of lung cancer. Recently, passive smoking has come under scrutiny for being the major cause of lung cancer in non-smokers."


"Left untreated, Small Cell Lung Carcinoma (SCLC) has the most aggressive clinical course of all lung cancers. Survival rate of SCLC is approximately between 2 to 4 months from the date of diagnosis. Furthermore, SCLC will often have metastasized to other parts of the body by the time it is detected and diagnosed."

im tempted to go, "all that jus to say, DON'T SMOKE" but that would jus be me being very irritating and self-righteous cos i shld know better........never liked it when the pple told me to quit when i was smoking, dun think anyone would like it if i did it to them.......

so i'm jus gonna let the glaring CAPS do its thing........since majority would probably skip the whole chunk of the post too..........

actually it would be me rubbing all your noses in the dirt............nyah nyah nyah.....couldnt care less if u guyz did stop/quit...........bite me........:p


Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:53 AM  

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