Saturday, October 22, 2005

Me So Bored

quick post

lament: Can I Don't Study?

lament again: zouk re-opened last nite. i was at home sleeping like a pig. i hate exams.

reflect: the power of persuasion. surprisingly, the tricks that adults use on babies/children to eat/do something they dun like are jus as effective on the adults themselves.......

for example, u could tell a kid that if he/she did not eat his/her greens, he/she would turn orange.........k lah, that's a stretching it too lazy to think (hey, i dun feel like studying, why in the world would my brain be working?!) but the idea is there........

applying the above to the following scenario..........

parents went to the buddhist temple to do something and they brought vegtarian food for some ritual or something.........and when the whole thing was over, they were abt to leave the food there when the temple administrator told them to bring it home saying that eating the food would bring us luck...........

i shld be buying 4D/toto today shldnt i?

landmark date/month: this month marks my first year off the cigarette~!


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