Thursday, June 29, 2006

For the Fans

something for the spidey are gonna need the quicktime plugin for this.........

Spiderman 3 Teaser Trailer

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


went to have a game of hoops yesterday for the first time since......almost a year ago.......

since the beginning of my final year, ive had to give up my weekly thursday ball game to concentrate on my coursework. well.......actually it was more to concentrate more on regaining energy for more work on friday though the primary reason shld have been to attend the lessons that were conducted on thursday evenings...........

but lectures never sat well with me.........

so yesterday was the first game in ages......and the sad truth is that ive lost all the stamina i had previously. ALL of it.......not a single drop left, zero, ziltch, nada. nearly plopped myself flat on the court and died. the scorching mid-day sun did not help things either. shld i have really laid down and expired on the court, i would probably have made it into sunsweet's prune hall of fame.........

but i did learn one thing tho.......rather, i did manage to prove something........that the isotonic drink,100 Plus, really works...........i had a splitting headache due to the physical exertion and heat, but a sip of 100 Plus miraculously eased it considerably and by the time i was done with half the bottle, i was up and pretty much ready for more..........tho unfortunately my hoop buddies had other plans and needed to leave.........

headed home for a quick shower and it was down to the pasir ris fish farms to get some fish i had eyed earlier during the myself 9 more (5 silver tipped, 4 white tipped tetras) for jus $3............not teeny weeny little ones mind you, the white tips were pretty fact they are the largest in my tank now.........

so ive jumped into the whole aquarium hobby head first.........and in abt a mth since the start, ive moved from a 1.5ft 10gallon tank to a new 2ft 15gallon tank filled with many many fish............the current population is now at 35........

3x Threadfin Rainbow fishes
3x Cardinal Tetras
4x Black Neon Tetras
4x Emperor Tetras
4x Bentos Tetras
5x Silver-Tipped Tetras
6x Lemon Tetras
6x Glowlight Tetras

the breakdown is more for my own reference than for those reading this having trouble remembering all of my livestock.........

35 is kinda too many fish for a 2ft tank, the typical stock is abt 25 i think, although fish shops squeeze more in smaller tanks but those arent exactly healthy living conditions......i really hope none turn bottom up and die on me cos they are really active and great to observe at this number..........will post pictures up when i finally get round to changing the lighting...........

there is a temptation for me to setup the old 1.5ft tank as well........maybe new fish or for brine shrimp (read: fish food) breeding..........

but first, i need a job...........

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Lesson in Life

ive learnt something over these past 25yrs...........and one of which is this:

"Commitment is of two parts. A Decision to commit and the Drive to see that decision through."

just thought ill put it down in words.........cos ive also learnt that the people who make money are those who take the time to put these kinda things in words......and ive decided to become a life coach.......

now, i shld see some money trickling in soon.....

any time now......


i can feel's coming in soon.....


i have the drive.....i have the drive to wait for the's coming in soon......i know it is......

maybe i shld have written more.........

Friday, June 23, 2006

Job Hunt

job hunting is a real chore.........not so much cos it is difficult, but more cos it is tiresome........the physical work is much less than the emotional strain of waiting and wondering y pple do not reply to your applications..........and it jus ends there unfortunately - you are left wondering without answers...........

some interesting things come up once in a while though that might tickle your funny bone and lift your spirits from an otherwise dull gloom.......

1. They are actually looking to the universities for air stewards and stewardesses. so i guess now not only do you need looks and a kebaya fitting figure to fly the skies, you need a brain too........imagine an aerospace engineer as an air stewardess.........

2. Mediacorp (sg's local broadcasting corporation) is looking for actors and actresses. nowadays, need to be more convincing in their roles. cant jus get any tom, dick or harry to act. mus be able to spout cheem cheem stuff in front of the camera. nvm the cheem cheem stuff dun make logical sense, as long as they are valid terms and field jargon.


A New High

was driving along last night listening to a cd with J when this happens:

J : *deliberately switches tracks* sing to me.

Joe Cocker's "You Are So Beautiful" starts playing.........

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Father's Day

so today's father's day..........happy father's day then.........

so i think this next bit is kinda long long over due. but in my own defense, i would add that im not particularly affected by the events that had happened.......

so my granddad has passed away..........ummm.......abt slightly more than a month ago......

so i might sound alittle.....unfilial? by stating that im not really affected by his passing......well, first off, im not really close to him........and secondly, he passed on while i was having a ball of a time in HK.......relations btwn my grandfather and the rest of the family had been really strained for a really really long time.........the only person who actually continued to care for him during his bouts of illnesses and stuff was my dad.........all the other 4 children had kinda dumped him on my dad and lifted nary a finger to help over the past 10 odd years........

he did make a few mistakes himself to cause the string on the camel's back to break years ago though.............

well, i guess at this point in time i do not have much to say abt the whole thing........but im glad with his passing it is all least now all his children can move on as well.......

one thing funny though.......and something which i have a teeny weeny little bit of query........on the 7th day of his passing, i went with my parents to the temple with some customary offerings for my deceased granddad and the family ancestors.......and there was a basket of fruits with the words "Wan Shi Ru Yi" (translated: it's just a chinese greeting of prosperity) inscribed on the handle of the basket.....

now, im not sure that is totally appropriate............

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


so ive been down with pharyngitis the past few days. still down with it actually. my throat isnt a pretty sight right now. kinda looks like the hatching room in an Aliens movie. really, i have ulcers on the walls of my throat that would make the queen alien hang her head in shame.

to illustrate my point further, on monday, the doc had only one thing to say after a poke down my mouth - "Ugh".

at the time the ulcers were only on the right side, more sprouted last evening on the looks like im not gonna be doing much drinking for quite a while.......considering it hurts even for me to drink water..........


on the job hunting front, havent been recieving any offers or interviews's kinda discouraging to see your peers getting pretty plum jobs while you arent.........then again, they are those who have the better, cant really complain........

alrite, im not happy, so i shld complain.......this is after all my blog..........

those bastards.........

and the beauty of that above statement, ladies and gentlemen, is that whoever responds to that has jus owned up to being a bastard in my whoever has jus grad, got a better qualification and a plum job, do what our PM is promoting now, just smile.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

It's Gonna be Rough Tonite

yep, it's gonna be rough tonite......have come down with a fever most prob from yesterday's running ard in the rain.......

ohyes, call me pyro.


so over the course of the past few wks, ive found that it is possible to feed multiple obsessions at a time..........that is of course given that the person is jobless and has shitloads of money......

ive got the jobless part down pat, im still working on the shitloads of money bit tho im wondering how in the world im gonna achieve that being jobless. i believe i am close cos right now i have shitloads of imaginary money..........

always just a word away, these things......

just a note before i continue, i dun call them hobbies.......i call them obsessions.........cos mostly i spend unhealthy amounts of time on subjects that capture my attention..........sometimes almost to the extent it is no longer funny........

my dad calls it passion........obsession, passion......always jus a letter away, these things.....

so, lately ive acquired some old and some new obsessions.........
1. Fishes - ive got a tank of various tetras and threadfins totalling 17 fishes which my dad and i have setup up recently. and strangely enuf, i enjoy sitting in front of the tank every now and then and looking at them darting abt. im contemplating cultivating some brine shrimp for feeding purposes too. and maybe breeding the tetras as well. on top of that, im thinking of getting a larger tank. maybe a 30 gallon tank?

2. Car detailing - no need to mention too much. we all know how mad i am at this. recently ive come into contact with another budding detailer who wants to have a showdown this coming friday. i.e. to see who's got a better shine. *ahem* it sounds absurd, yes........who does he think he is?!?!

ohya, the whole comparing shine thing is pretty absurd itself too.

3. Shopping - this is one obsession that has jus started. and i believe is side-effect of my spending too much time wif J. the girl shops like no tomorrow and it seems to be rubbing off alittle. in recent months, ive found myself spending more on clothes than i have in my entire 25yrs of existence. altho i do kinda enjoy the new threads, my wallet suffers from malnutrition. think once i do get a job, a whole can of worms will be opened.

4. comics - im still in consideration on this. resources are low. another huge can of worms here.

5. computers - this is the oldest obsession. this here can aint no campbell's soup can. think the pandora's box of peach halves in heavy syrup. was sealed and stored quite sometime back. now re-opened..........halfway......bad enuff actually........ive got a new monitor, now im returning to watching the pc hardware market and plotting my next upgrade.......this is really one very bad can to pop open.......

ive found that given my jobless situation i am able to feed these obsessions the time they require in a wk.........the only thing that holds me back from acting on many of the stuff ive planned for each of them is the lack of resources..........

sighz........always just a dollar away, these things............

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Moving Along

first things.........izit me or y does sg idol seem to suck so much worse than american idol?

haven been watching the idol shows actually, but jus saw the trailer for the recent showdown btwn the girls...........and somehow they seem to suck......big time.......maybe it's the choice of songs? most chose songs that required large, strong and full voices.........those songs dun seem to fit the squeaky asian female voice very well...........then again, maybe it was jus the sound system *ahem* lungs *ahem*.........ill bet the recent miss sg universe, carol cheong, would do well in sg idol *ahem*..........

moving along........

im still not particularly thrilled with my graduating passed w/ merit..........but then again, i cant deny the fact that my lack of effort during the earlier years have caught up with me........i jolly well cant turn back time.......and even if i could, i doubt i would cos doing so would not have allowed me to learn what i have over the past year........

so yep, moving along......

Monday, June 05, 2006

Another notch.........

so the results are out.......and ill be graduating passed w/ merit.........

im alittle unhappy tho.......was hoping for at least a 3rd class honours.......especially all the work i had put in over the last 2 semesters...........

interestingly, my results were that order.........echoes my sentiments pretty well......


piangz.......the suspense is killing me........this is the first time waiting for my results has turned out so............gut wrenching..........

im beginning to regret not studying hard enuff in the past..........sighz........


Friday, June 02, 2006


so im getting extremely bored sitting at home.........and as much as i appreciate the "You're so lucky. You shld enjoy yourself, wait until you start work. blah blah blah." consolations/advice, let me make this very clear - I quite like to work. tho most might not, but i quite like it. it keeps me occupied amongst other reasons. sure, working for the rest of my life might possibly turn me jaded as well, but i really dun think the solution to being less jaded is to keep wishing for the greener pastures on the opposite side of the fence..........

i.e. the solution doesnt lie in stopping work. go figure.

so anywayz, been trying to keep myself occupied.........finished detailing my dad's car today. some pics.




Rear Left


Rear Right

now who said light coloured cars cant look good?!

P.S. click for a better pic

I Got Tagged

got tagged by joel to do some kinda quiz thingy so here it is.........

im supposed to name 20 people off the top of my head before doing a quiz on the top of my head huh..........
1) J
2) Pa
3) Ma
4) Sis
5) Joel
6) my FYP sup
7) Jackie Estacado (the Darkness)
8) bats (batman)
9) Steph Soong
10) Heidi Klum
11) The Indian
12) Shortfart
13) The Cuban
14) CRB (The Chinese Racist Bastard, you know who u r)
15) SLK (yes, he is a person. the only one i know who drives a SLK)
my long time frens
16) princess vv
17) vv's beau
18) marc
19) ash
20) ding

funny how the order came out.........believe me, only persons 9 and 10 have a particular order........

1. How did you meet number 14?
Answer: cant remember......probably while making fun of the cuban and the indian

2. What would you do if you had never met Number 1?
Answer: wah......personal question.......skip

3. What would you do if 20 and 9 dated?
Answer: i would flip. actually, no......i would feel sorry for number 9.

4. Would 6 and 17 make a good couple?
Answer: errrrrrr........i guess a laurel and hardy kinda way.........

5. Describe no.3.
Answer: I'm tempted to say evrything bad considering she doesnt read this blog. but then again, no matter wat, she's still the best.

6. Do you think No.8 is attractive?
Answer: if i were female, hell yea~! as a guy, hell yea~! he is the alpha male of alpha males. think george clooney who incidentally i think is the alpha male of hollywood (brad who?) and has played bats before too. complete with rubber nipples.

7. Tell me something about No.7.
Answer: oooooo.......wat can i say. slick, smooth, devil may care attitude (considering he rightfully can) and he has the power to create anything limited only by his mind/imagination. basically think james bond on venom plus a touch of godliness

8. Do you know anything about no.12's family?
Answer: i see where he gets his height from.

9. What is no.8's favorite?
Answer: favourite wat? colour? black. then again, possibly yellow, cos catwoman's eyes r yellow. or was it green?

10.What would you do if 11 confesses that he/she likes you?
Answer: .................. buy myself a celibacy belt

11. What language does 15 speak?
Answer: Car

12. Who is 9 going out with?
Answer: In my dreams, me. In reality, dunno, lucky him.......that i do not have his address.

13. How old is 16 now?
Answer: same as i.

14. When was the last time u talked to 13?
Answer: just a few days ago.

15. Who's 2's favorite singer?
Answer: no idea actually. but i would guess Frank Sinatra

16. Would you date number 4?
Answer: NO~! OHYUK~! who came up with this?!
(joel: interestingly this question has garnered the same reaction from the both of us)

17. Would you date 7?
Lemme rephrase that......

17. Would you date 9?
Answer: yep. but of course not in my current attached status lah.

18. Is 15 single?
Answer: yep. so im gonna put the word out to those single ladies reading this, the guy is SINGLE.

19. What's 10's last name?
Answer: errrrrrmmmm.........hmmmmm.........Heidi Klum Seal?

20. Would you ever consider being in a relationship with 19?
Answer: you see ar........cannot answer this question. put yes, kena hammered. put no also kena hammered.

21. What schools does 3 go to?
Answer: "Nag University", "College of Grumble"

22. Where does 6 live?
Answer: In his office.

23. What's your favorite thing about number 5?
Answer: he tagged me with this which has allowed me to burn half an hour of time.

Now i have to arrow pple to do this quiz too.........considering i dunno many who the top of my head again......

faythxz, whonose, pinkdolph, candy, richie, kene.......

the rest u can always do it on a piece of paper if u r really bored enuf........

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Hubba Hubba Hubba........

shot of the new resolution.......wide baby wide~!!!

Morning Madness

trying to sell away some of my old polishes and waxes so that i can come up with cash for a new set. a buyer called yesterday enquiring abt how we would carry out a transaction for one bottle of polish i was letting go. and he asked if i would be working today......that got me wondering.........

technically i shld be called a civil servant.......or uncivil servant depending on which way u were to see "Contributor - Unemployment"

~ . ~

I am beside myself with excitement and joy.........just saw the supplement on the PC Show that came with the papers expected, my target monitor, VA1912WB, is going at S$400~! a S$75 drop in price...........i am soooooo bent on it now..........except........the VX2025WM has a S$120 drop in price putting it at S$679...........

so tempting........yet resist i must..........i can hear that small little voice growing in my head saying, "Resistance is futile..........You cannot resist temptation............Stop resisting........Stop resisting~!............dammit"