Friday, June 23, 2006

Job Hunt

job hunting is a real chore.........not so much cos it is difficult, but more cos it is tiresome........the physical work is much less than the emotional strain of waiting and wondering y pple do not reply to your applications..........and it jus ends there unfortunately - you are left wondering without answers...........

some interesting things come up once in a while though that might tickle your funny bone and lift your spirits from an otherwise dull gloom.......

1. They are actually looking to the universities for air stewards and stewardesses. so i guess now not only do you need looks and a kebaya fitting figure to fly the skies, you need a brain too........imagine an aerospace engineer as an air stewardess.........

2. Mediacorp (sg's local broadcasting corporation) is looking for actors and actresses. nowadays, need to be more convincing in their roles. cant jus get any tom, dick or harry to act. mus be able to spout cheem cheem stuff in front of the camera. nvm the cheem cheem stuff dun make logical sense, as long as they are valid terms and field jargon.



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