another night out at wala's.........the place is great, would be even better if there were less pple up in the live band area........
have i ever mentioned Hoegaarden is perhaps one of the best beers around?
and many good things come in pint sizes e.g. Kylie Minogue, Ben & Jerry's, etc, etc.....
anywayz, went out wif a fren during the day to get a bday prez........cant remember the last time i went to orchard during the day........and i had forgotten how tiring it is to walk.......
there are times i believe men were made to move ard on 4 wheels, not 2 legs........it's quite unfathomable to walk nowadays.........
credit card bill came in...........and........im overspending.........think im gonna have to say good bye to my new monitor.........sighz.........either that, or cut down on the drinking sessions.........would like to put this to a vote, but i think i know wat the outcome would be.........whichever way it it is, it'll suck........
i shudder to face the harsh truth........i want it all~! :(
there's one thing abt using blogger.........the smilies are........less.........graphic........and in a way, it's good......back to old school generic smilies.........instead of cutesy cartoony smilies.........it's more.........personal.........duncha think so? :D
moving along, kena saman again last nite........for not putting parking coupon...........really......this sucks........think abt it, housing area, 11+pm, who would think that there would be parking charges at that time??!?
unfortunately, yep........there are..........
Night Charges: 10pm - 1.30am 50cts per half hr
Overnight parking: 1am - 7am $2
really.......we drivers are getting fleeced and cant do diddly-squat........ >:(
admittedly, in this case, it's my own fault for not checking........and it seems like each time i get samaned, it always comes in pairs.........the prev one was for parking on double yellow lines......that ill swallow cos i took a chance.........
had a conversation with a certain handsome hunky friend on the way to wala's:
Me : Hey, we are going over to Wala's. Wanna come down?
V : Who are you with?
Me : With J and some frens. Come down lah.
V : Nah. Dun wan lah. Dunno anybody there. Later you guyz talk to each other, i sit there talk to the Hoegaarden
Me : Ok wat. You know me and J. Come down lah.
V : Nah. It's very difficult to have intelligent and meaningful conversations with a Hoegaarden.
Me : Not really mah. I'm sure if you have enough Hoegaardens to talk to, in time the conversation will turn seemingly intelligent and meaningful.
V : Ya. Like the kinda intelligent and meaningful conversations I have with you rite? That's not gonna impress many.
Me : Ya lah. But why you worry, you'll be impressing the Hoegaardens and nobody else wat.
V : ya ya. ill let u know if im going down ba. hahhaaaa......have fun.
i cant seem to stress enough the importance of having meaningful and intelligent conversations in life.........:D
and another short one, this one needs a legend - EU is a guy, C is also male, J bleeds
J : EU doesnt want to come down.
Me : Which EU? the one I like or the one that looks like C?
J : The one you like?
Me : yea, the one who thinks im a business student. i like that guy.
C : So you are bisexual?
Me : If I am, then you would have known by now.
i need sleep........haven been able to sleep as much as i want to lately.......and it's not cos of work load........it's jus a stupid body bio clock thing........which sucks really..........
at this rate, i might even jus wake up in the middle of my own funeral.........that'll probably scare the buddhist monks shitless......:D