Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Different Time

Funny conversation with my mum today....

Mum: *sees a banner advertising archery lessons* Did you do archery during your national service in the army?
Me: We use guns.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Nitty Gritty

Here's a joke for the day - me.

I sent out a job application yesterday. Spent much longer on drafting the resume correctly and the cover letter than other applications because it was for a position I would really like to secure. And after going through both pieces umpteen times and feeling satisfied with them, I sent them out.

And today, I realised I made a typo in the cover letter. On the name of the company I'm applying to. Right on the first sentence of my cover letter.

Jumping off the roof sounds much less painful right now.

Sunday, January 03, 2010


Typically at end of every year and the beginning of a new one, I get retrospective like most people. It is the same this time around. Only difference is that, unlike past years, this time around I don't really have much idea of what direction I'm headed in the next year.

Frankly, that isn't comfortable.

Naturally, I am wondering how in the world I got to this point in the first place. And the retrospection these past few months including this annual year end exercise has left me feeling a little more lost than I would like to be. And a little less bright than I would like to be.

It takes a lot to continue believing that what I am trying so hard for is worth it. And that I just need to keep trying and working towards it. Being jobless since June and having my hopes dashed was very trying. These next months are probably going to be no less different. I find myself wondering how others who have been through similar situations actually managed it. Perhaps that's what New Year resolutions are really for - to keep believing for the sake of believing. At least until something else comes along with new hope for a brighter tomorrow.

I am very grateful, however, for having someone to stand beside me during this time. Likewise, for having family and friends around.

In certain sense, the year hasn't been bad actually. There were really deep downs but at the same time really high ups. Like previous years, 2009 has been eventful. It stands out though as a year of definition which I will not forget - it or its lessons - likely for the rest of my life.

I hope 2010 will be better. Fingers crossed.