Thursday, July 12, 2007


here's something to munch on if any1 is bored. read it in another blog. too funny to pass up.

here's the link to the other blog.
An Englishman in Osaka

Cucumber trivia!
Did you know that.......
  • if cucumbers were made into robots, they might try to take over the world and control us.
  • on live TV in 1978, British television personality Esther Rantzen manhandled a penis-shaped cucumber for a full three minutes. The BBC received no complaints.
  • if you lined up all the cucumbers in the world, it would make a very long line.
  • if you boil the juice of five cucumbers and add a litre of whisky to the mix before drinking all of it, it will make you extremely drunk and liable to vomit.
  • in a recent telephone survey of 1,000 Japanese housewives who handle Japanese cucumbers on a regular basis and also have experience with Western ones, 78% said that while Japanese ones may be smaller, they are also firmer to the touch.
  • until the 17th century, cucumbers were used exclusively as jewellery.
  • before The Beatles were called The Beatles, they called themselves The Silver Cucumbers.
  • the Royal Society for the Protection of Cucumbers (RSPC) has over 3,000 members.
  • the delightful and charming British chef Delia Smith once held up a bag of cucumbers on her popular cookery show and said, "Look! It's like a load of cocks!"


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