Thursday, September 28, 2006

BK, SG Idol and Dotted Lines

Edit: this post was started yesterday, or rather, in the event i still do not finish it today, it was started on the 27th of September. blogging in office is not really convenient cos of the pple (colleagues) moving ard.......

saw something interesting while on the way to work........and considering the time since the last post, just thought ill pen it down to keep the fingers exercised and those who (still) read this blog entertained.........

not much time before i dive into the pool of work stacked in front of pardon the spelling and any grammar time to go back to fix ' punctuation has never been great so im not apologising for that.....

ironically, im typing the disclaimer when i do not have enuf time...........

work has been hectic........i end everyday feeling like Neo in the Matrix after he had swallowed the red (blue?) pill - all aching, tired and covered in slime.......

but after some recent revelations, i have found that it might not be in my best interests to stay in this coy for more than a yr considering the direction that they are embarking on...........

so on to the interesting bit.......

BK has these ads put up all over some of the mrt trains.........they are mostly pictures of their offerings (burgers of course) with a dotted line border........

which leads me to wonder, why the dotted lines?

to me dotted lines have come to signify one thing - tearables. and tearables with fast food = that the message that BK is trying to put forward as well? cheap food? they are arguably good, which would appeal to the "ai pi ai qi" (loosely translated: love cheap love fresh) mentality of most.......

on the morning train rides, there are also several commuters reading the Today paper. not surprising considering the paper is distributed freely at the train stations. one of the headlines was about the crowning of the new sg idol, hady mirza.........

it seems to me that the majority of human kind has this liking for only 2 genres of music - R&B and Rock which has so far, twice been personified in sg by a malay guy and junkie looking chinese guy..........and interestingly enuf, in sg, i remember that it used to be the malays who liked rock better........then again, ill say they seem to do all kinds of music better than the rest of us............

im in no way trying to discuss any form of racial topic here. it is more abt cultural influences. jus stating an observation. but in the history of rock, how many bands/singers were black? and looking at R&B, Hip-Hop, Rap and Soul, how many are white? catch my drift yet pple?

moving back to the whole sg idol thingy, first off, i think the whole sg idol thing is crap. second, this bunch sings crap. third, the first bunch looked crap.

the first sg idol saw seemingly pre-pubescent young boys winning giant big gulps from 7-11. this second one, im guessing, will see the winners having a year's supply of mr softee or slurpee. better slurpee cos i love softee.

it is ridiculous, in my opinion, to be having sg idol. we don't have the market for it. where's taufik, the first idol now? duh. and to prove my point further, the new 1st runner up, jonathan leong, hasnt been offered a singing contract. double duh.

i wonder if they'll ever need to draw dotted lines around posters of the next idols jus to gain publicity.


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