Saturday, September 10, 2005

Random Stuff

im already convinced that the world has its fair share of nutcases.........and NTU is no different.....

over the past few mths, ive already had the honour of meeting 2 of their finest.......

the first one was some idiot who planted himself opposite me in the canteen during the often packed lunch hour......the guy had finished his chicken rice and kept smiling to himself while sitting there.....and nvm the smiling to himself, he has this really open mouthed dopey smile........those kind that u would think he were some kinda spastic.......short of the mandatory drool.......

that prompted The Indian who was sitting beside me to sms me: "That guy is nuts."

to which i replied: "Yea, the bugger is freaking me out."

the second of NTU's nutcase finest presented himself in the computer room jus yesterday.......The Indian was going abt his business in the terminal in front of me when the guy came along and decided to be the body of all busybody's and stick his face in The Indian's screen to check out wat he was doing.........

obviously he's not read "How to never piss off a Heavyweight Indian 101" before........thankfully The Indian was in a good mood..........

wat happened next only certified the nuttiness of the guy.......

the guy started playing some online game and surfin the net.........and when i looked up from my own lecture notes, i managed to see wat seemed to interest our nutty fren - Anal Sex.....

the guy was actually reading up on Anal Sex in Wikipedia..........for the un-informed, Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia........

now, y would anyone....anyone at the net abt anal sex?

so maybe he could have been some kinda doctor.........that would be stretching things abit far.......maybe he had to do some kinda project..........tho i doubt Computer Engineering has a course teaching stuff about exchange of body fluids or in his case, exchange of solids.......

even if there were a course teaching abt bodily fluids, u would think i'd already have known abt it.........

so anywayz, i msn-ed The Indian:

Me : Dude, the guy beside you is surfing for stuff on Anal Sex.
The Indian : If he fucking comes near me, I'll fucking kill him

*minutes later*

The Indian : What happens if he decides to come flip me over and poke my ass?
Me : I'll help you rip his balls out.

~ . ~

jus saw something in the the Shell Escape Catalog.......

Osim has a pen with built-in massager.....

now, i really can't think of any use for such a device.........maybe the girls can.......:p

~ . ~

What do you fear? What are you afraid of?

this question has been floating around in the recesses of my mind during the past few days........I believe in the fact that every1 is afraid of something.........regardless of how confident, contented and self-assured a person is...........there is always something that he/she will be afriad of.......

not that it's a sign of weakness to fear's jus human nature.......

so, what are you afraid of?


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