Monday, November 19, 2007

Men and their Bittergourds

due to my recent lack of exercise, ive taken to having fish soup for lunch evryday. nearly. i still have my regular serving of fat laden, artery clogging roast pork + roast duck rice once a week. or twice depending on my mood and thrice if im feeling like it. but that's not the point here.

the point here is, or close to it, is that i find it great the fish soup sellers are including bitter gourd in the fish soup nowadays. i like bitter gourd. and im sure although it can be an acquired taste for some, it does go well as an ingredient in the soup. bitter gourd yes, bitter cock no.

was in the line for my serving at the fish soup stall when i heard this exchange between the seller and a fairly attractive chinese looking but evidently non-mandarin speaking young lady in the line behind me.

Young Lady: 2 sliced fish soup. with rice. packet.
Stall Seller: You want bitter cock?

i had to hurry myself away before i burst out laughing in front of the both of them.


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