Friday, October 27, 2006

Frying my Noodle

so wat constitutes hokkien fried noodles? and y is singapore associated with it?

that's one question that had me stumped the whole morning during the train ride to work. there's this new brand of instant noodles out on the market called "Indofood" and they have the selection called "Taste of Asia" which consists of different flavours of instant noodles concentrating mainly on the different kinds of fried noodles a person can find in asia.

they have one "Hokkien Style Flavour Fried Noodles" with the packaging showing the words "Singapore" and a merlion.

so what constitutes hokkien fried noodles? im not sure if they have such noodles in the fujian province of china and what's the relation with sg?

im just gonna guess that some genius from the fujian province came over to sg several eons ago and fried noodles for a living thus the name. i.e. a hokkien guy frying noodles = hokkien fried noodles.

then again, in that light, hokkien man frying noodles = noodles fried hokkien style = basis for indofood's branding.

which then means that if i fried noodles (i am hokkien), the noodles i fry would be authentic fried hokkien noodles.


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