Still D-10-2
the things you can do when you are at home

any1 can make a guess wat that is? no, i wasnt indulging in a moment of narcissism by spraying whipped cream on the mirror and trying to lick it off my reflection.........i might love myself, and nuts i might be, but im not that extreme.........
neither am i participating in the male version of the makeover reality series "The Swan".
that picture, my frens, is the result of me staying home, having the tv on too much and getting extremely bored sitting in front of the computer.......
that, my frens, is a picture of shaving cream spread on the mirror in my bathroom.
y did i do that? cos there was an episode of "How Clean Is Your House" on tv......and they were teaching some surfer guys how to prevent their mirrors from steaming by spreading shaving cream on the mirror..........
not sure wat type of cream they used........was it gillette or some other brand.......and would allantoin help? i know it moisturizes the skin, wat abt on glass?

any1 can make a guess wat that is? no, i wasnt indulging in a moment of narcissism by spraying whipped cream on the mirror and trying to lick it off my reflection.........i might love myself, and nuts i might be, but im not that extreme.........
neither am i participating in the male version of the makeover reality series "The Swan".
that picture, my frens, is the result of me staying home, having the tv on too much and getting extremely bored sitting in front of the computer.......
that, my frens, is a picture of shaving cream spread on the mirror in my bathroom.
y did i do that? cos there was an episode of "How Clean Is Your House" on tv......and they were teaching some surfer guys how to prevent their mirrors from steaming by spreading shaving cream on the mirror..........
not sure wat type of cream they used........was it gillette or some other brand.......and would allantoin help? i know it moisturizes the skin, wat abt on glass?
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