Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The 5 Most Powerful People in the World

Apparently this is one of the topics that a certain business school asks applicants to present on during interviews. I came across it while surfing for info on business schools and it stuck with me through most of yesterday as I thought of an answer to it.

So here are who I think are the five most powerful people in the world without going too in depth as to why I think they are so.

1. Lee Kuan Yew
Has anyone seen a company built and run as well as Singapore?

2. Ban Ki Moon
Most powerful man on this planet without an army.

3. Barack Obama
Duh. Leader of the free world. But I think what makes him powerful is his ability to inspire.

4. My father
Lim Pei can solve all arguments and conflicts. He can possibly even bring world peace if he were given the chance.

5. My girlfriend
I'm sure none of the other four will deny that their other halves are probably their only true equals on this planet. Even their fathers and the other halves' fathers will admit the same. Likewise for me.


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