Saturday, January 14, 2006

We all learn something everyday

we all learn new stuff everyday........

the other day, i learnt that the definition of a youth in singapore is a person within the ages of 18 to 39.........or was it 29.......anywayz, so that still makes me a youth........

today, i learnt that the table outside my room is infested with termites........they have made their nest in the pile of photo albums kept in the table cabinet........there goes probably 90% of 24 years of memories...........even more for my parents and sis.........

im not one to take many photos, but ive now learnt that with those photos gone, it'll be even harder to keep the memories of years gone past........

ohyes, ive also learnt that a termite is 98% water.........this comes from the pest control guy......who seems to be pretty good at his job.........he solved another pest problem for us abt a year back at ard this time too.........and incidentally, after that job, he struck the starter prize in the lottery using some number combination he got from my dad's car license plate and our house number.......

lucky fella, maybe i shld consider a career in pest control........of course, doubt ill make it thru the first day.........the sight of massive colonies of little pests crawling ard totally freak the shit out of me, reason why i dun watch documentaries on insects.......another being insects dun hump.......

yea, the insect scene in king kong totally freaked me out.........

learnt something else seems that it is always during the lunar new year festive season that all these pest problems turn up.........probably cos this is when the family starts to go thru wat's old and needs to be thrown out.........

so for those who dun clean your rooms frequently, chances are u have a pest problem......and im not referring to your kid bro/sis, parents, girl/boyfren or yourself for that matter..........

imagine a line of ants crawling out from under your bed and all over you foraging for food while u sleep at nite, looking for crevices where it is dark, damp and funky smelling for them to expand their colony.

u wake up in the morning and continue your day, day after day after day until one day u have a pain on some part of your body, maybe a pain in your arse but u dismiss it as soon as it's gone away until one day the pain comes back and gets so severe that u need to check into a hospital

at the hospital, while you are writhing in pain in the ward waiting for the xray results to come back, suddenly you feel like your arse is gonna explode and u see a lump pulsating and growing on your butt........u think, "oh no, im gonna die. im gonna die from an exploded butt. this is ridiculous. ARGH"

suddenly the pain is gone and u think, ok.........but then, u realise with a impending sense of doom that this is jus the calm before the storm........and at that moment, it happens.......a huge insect shaped creature bursts out from your arse.......u r too shocked to feel anything, maybe it's the lack of blood......u think, "great, look at the mess. at least now i wun have problems with constipation." and jus as u breathe your last breath, u hear, "Decepticon, Terrorise~!"

im not trying to write a story..........was freaking myself out and tried to unfreak myself.......


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