Saturday, November 05, 2005

Mating Season Day 2

the exam period is not the only time that i watch the most discovery is also the time when the most pimples decide to become best buddies with me.....

and since i tend to have several frens who are on the larger side, my pimples buddies tend to weigh in on the heavier side too.........

with all the hurricane stuff recently.......i am tempted to give my pimples meaningful names pop, zap and ooze........and ohyes, my favourtie pimple would be called squirt....

losing it, im losing it.........

cant wait for the exams to be over stuff to do........FYP being amongst the top of the list......haven touched it at all during this whole past semester.........and i need to have a working prototype by the start of the next semester.........cham cham.........

ohyes, i need to party too...........dun wanna waste the last few ounces of youthful energy becoming an old fart too soon...........


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